

Reviews Over Time

You will have the ability to review quickly how many reviews you’ve received over the past week, month, year, or for a specific time period.

You can now narrow down to specific websites and see where you’re having the greatest success as well as identify websites that you need to focus on during the coming months.  

We have made the information easy to understand and put it in one place for you to manage!

Average Rating Report

One of the best ways to understand your progress is to look at your past.

The average rating over time report will provide you with a visual snapshot of the average rating from feedback and reviews customers have left for your business.

Sentiment Analysis Report

We have added a text analytics program into every report that understands the intention and attitude of the review with respect to the overall response of their review and rating. We can accurately understand whether the expressed opinion of a sentence or review is relatively positive, negative, or neutral and display it accordingly on a graph.

Now you can instantly gain an understanding the overall sentiment about your business over a specific time period with regards to the percentage of positive, neutral, and negative responses.

Automated Reports
Weekly & Monthly

We give you the ability to schedule updates to be sent on a specific day of the week (e.g. every Friday) or day of the month (e.g.1st of each month) guaranteeing  you will receive status updates direct to your inbox. Each report includes important information like the total number of new reviews, star rating, and break down of each since the last report.

You can easily customize and schedule reports to be delivered on specific dates to a group within the business or a just to specific individuals.
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